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+7 (8672) 54-43-22
+7 (8672) 54-67-19
362002, РСО-Алания, г. Владикавказ, ул. Неизвестного солдата, 8

Alternative fuel

Alternative biofuels are bioethanol produced at the biofuel plant in the city of Vladikavkaz "Miranda" is a high quality biofuel for vehicles produced from environmentally friendly raw materials. Raw materials for alternative fuels are the cereals - wheat. Why bioethanol can be considered an alternative fuel? Because in the near future, fuel ethanol will completely replace traditional gasoline. High quality alternative fuel bioethanol in their characteristics is not inferior to gasoline. Over time, technologists will be able to modify the properties and composition of the alternative fuel ethanol. But now environmental fuel bioethanol is used in many countries. Bioethanol is the best form of alternative fuel.