Miranda biofuel
+7 (8672) 54-43-22
+7 (8672) 54-67-19
362003, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, 8, Neizvestnogo Soldata Street

Production of glucose syrup

If you are looking for a manufacturer of high-quality glucose syrup in the city of Vladikavkaz, please contact the company "Miranda", in which you can order any amount of glucose syrup for your food production. Glucose syrup is produced in our company with modern equipment, we strictly control the entire cycle of wheat processing, regularly conduct laboratory studies of the product, so that it meets the most stringent quality standards. Production of glucose syrup in Vladikavkaz "Miranda" can provide many other enterprises of its products.
You can buy glucose syrup in any region of the country, we have reached large-scale production and also send our glucose syrup for export abroad: to Europe, Asia. Choose a high-quality production of glucose syrup in Russia-this is what the manufacturer Miranda.